White Tea varieties
Known around the world, white tea is considered the healthiest tea among the varieties of tea. Reason for this is that, white tea due to its minimal processing, holds an immense amount of nutrients.
Made from the beautiful silver buds been baked dry, delicate and sweet flavor of white tea is guaranteed to awaken your sense the minute you consumed it. For those who would like to limit their caffeine consumption, white tea is ideal beverage for them as white tea contains the minimal of caffeine when compared to other teas. Within white tea, there are varieties contrasts from taste and class. There are four types of white tea known to all tea lovers.
Silver Needle
Silver needle is known to be the finest among all the white teas. Silver needle is made only by hand-picked white buds which only collected two days out the year. Being a rare tea even for the harvesting, this white tea can be infused more than one time.
Other than consuming as a beverage, silver needle is also used for beauty treatments. Usually silver needles are added to a bath for a luxurious skin treatment or made into a powder and mixed with honey to use as a mask to revitalize your skin.
This type of white tea contains many health benefits, including breaking down fats, regulating glucose in blood and it contains huge volume of antioxidants. Another benefit of silver needle white tea is that you can get this tea mixed with a preferable flavor or scent and all the health benefits still attached.
White Peony
taste, Long life eyebrow has a light aroma to it. If left for soak for longer period, it gives you a bitter taste. Named for its long, thin and crescent-shaped leaves used, this tea looks an orange -yellowish color once brewed. This is also a rare tea to be found.
Tribute Eyebrow
Reaped after silver needle and white peony, Tribute Eyebrow is a lower grade white tea which even processed more than above mentioned two types of white teas. Having a similar appearance as Long life eyebrow but bit darker, the Tribute eyebrow has an earthly zest with a dark color.
Named after their region and the special ingredients added to the leaves and buds at the processing, there are several other varieties of white tea available worldwide. Most popular addition for taste and aroma to white teas are fruits.
I suggest you that try every type of tea offered to you without any hesitation when you have the chance, so that you can have a different kind of tea experience and develop your taste palette.